We use LinkedIn's platform quite a lot to share our stories and experiences, we do this in the anticipation that it resonates with you, and is something you find of interest. 

This isn't an ego trip, we take what we do very seriously because the sharing this knowledge and how we go about it is not only our IP, its a daily part of what we do, it reinforces 'why' we do it, and as such we're active practitioners of 'social selling', why?; because we want you to see the 'social proof'. 

As a result we are the No1 Voice around the world for 'Social Selling'.

In its recent quarterly update, Microsoft, the parent company of LinkedIn, reported (link below) that the professional social network continues to see 'record levels of engagement', with on-platform sessions growing by 24%.

LinkedIn engagement has been on the rise for some time - but where, exactly, is that growth coming from and what types of content are generating more interest on the site?

The platform affords all of us access to its over 615 million worldwide registered users, with circa 300 million of them being active on a monthly basis. So the question is, why aren't you using this opportunity to share your knowledge, connect and engage with new people, and grow your business with your personal brand, and that of your company?