Why digital transformation succeeds. And why it doesn’t.
Interesting article from IBM on why digital transformation fails and succeeds, it makes no mention of strategy, culture, the people, the...
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Interesting article from IBM on why digital transformation fails and succeeds, it makes no mention of strategy, culture, the people, the...
AI this, Machine Learning that, Data, Data, Data. This article and the associated survey makes for interesting reading. Senior...
One of the things that scares me is the fact that people think that doing the same thing will get different results. The other...
I showed this to my sales guy and he agreed with me this article is totally confusing and in 2018, actually has some down right bad advice.
The problem so often when looking at digital transformation is there is so much research and little actual facts.
Selling Digital...
This article ask for people to understand that Digital Transformation isn't (just) about systems change but is actually about people,...
Great article by Mark Ritson in which he puts the case for (as with a number of things) the position of Chief Content Officer.
Digital Transformation can so easily go wrong, and being in the digital transformation game we only know too well.
The problem is that...
Interesting article by McKinsey that talks about companies with an investor mindset. That is they see an opportunity and then...
With so many articles about digital disruption, digital is described as a physical thing. It isn't.
You cannot just walk into your...
Before I start, this isn't a political post, if you want to get into a republican or whatever discussion you are wasting your time.
Kodak designed the first digital camera, but they were so terrified that this would cannibalise their business that they hid it in a...
This brilliant little article leapt of the page the moment I set eyes on the first paragraph.
How many of us really learn how listen...
Interesting article about Employee Advocacy and it certainly is right that you can do all of those things, expect you won'y get that by...
Regardless of the statistics we all know we don't ring up and get brochures anymore, we go online and research. This usually means...
A large accounting software company, well it was actually their PR agency contacted me and they want a call about how to work together,...
Nice article but still a "why" and not a "how" and then it dives in to "management consulting" speak or dives down even further into to...
Influencer marketing is a hot topic right now. That's hardly surprising. Organic search remains an enigma. Facebook has downgraded Page...
When I started working there was a typing pool, we wrote our letters (this was before the internet and email) on pads of paper and handed...
Great article on the culture change needed within an organisation to enable a digital transformation.
Research upon research shows that if...
It's the great will they, won't they romance of the modern era. SEO and Content. Ross and Rachel. Beatrice and Benedikt. See? The digital...
It is forecast that companies will get smaller not bigger. If you look at the number of people who work for IBM vs say Facebook....
Good point made in this article that startups (like ours) run in the Cloud. There is no debate, why on earth would we want servers...
We see so many organisations who have an inside-out mentality. It's all about new systems, new tools and efficiency. In a way...
Content marketing is not new and is also easy. This blog is after all, content marketing.
As consumers in the B2B or B2C world we...
Great article by my friend, Ray Wang, and I would like to add an 8th to the 7 common factors they lay out in terms of common board room...
Anne Coates died today. If you haven't heard of her, you've probably seen her work.
That moment in Lawrence of Arabia when the match...
The cumulative cost of my digital subscriptions has been on my mind for a while. And fair play to this author on Techcrunch for picking...
In a past life I was a regular horse rider, in fact I had lessons and I've ridden horses in a number of places around the world....
There's something terribly wrong with Instagram Stories. The way that it prioritises the portrait, 16:9 format? How it encourages you to...
Let's be fair, Facebook ate the Internet a long time ago. And in spite of recent indigestion (privacy, Cambridge Analytica), it looks set...
Social Media over the last two years has jumped from Marketing to Sales to HR to Procurement to Supply Chain and it's now jumped to...
Social Media is now used by 3.196 Billion people world-wide, which equates to 42% of the world's population.
A friend of mine recently...
One of the problems we are often asked about is "how do we get more leads and meetings?" and the answer is pretty simple. We...
My partner, Julie, has two sons, one of them is 23 and I've known him since he was 17. This provides me with great insight into how...
Back in the day, before I knew any better, I thought the FT was a pretty dull newspaper. (Actually, back then, it probably was).
Interesting research from eMarketer that only 15% of the people that see an advert on social media actually buy.
Where as 65% of people...
Whenever I talk about content calendars, the question that always gets asked is, "but how do we know what to publish?".
The answer's...
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