Where is Venture Capital investing?
Not in themselves it may seem?
We hit a tipping point in July, 51% of the global population is now on social media, therefore if you are...
We are Digital Leadership Associates experts in Social Media Strategy, Social Selling and Social Media Management
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Not in themselves it may seem?
We hit a tipping point in July, 51% of the global population is now on social media, therefore if you are...
In a recent article I wrote about the need for a “rich and diverse content mix” and a few people have been in touch about what that...
And just like that, everything changed . . .
We went into lockdown.
A global pandemic. Panic. Social distancing. Working from home....
If retail spent a lot more time focusing and obsessing on changes in consumer behaviour as opposed to waiting for this pandemic to...
If you're at all anxious about the impact of artificial intelligence on your career, I can strongly recommend this article and the...
The ubiquity of use and related obsession with carrying a mobile phone has changed behaviour and the dynamics around how consumers
According to the MIT Sloan Management Review, companies that have embraced digital transformation are 26% more profitable than their...
End to end business transformation with Social Media has known benefits but, there is more when you scratch the surface, its deeper.
Social Media is relatively new, I've only been on Twitter 11 years, but in that time, things have accelerated.
In this research by Simon Kemp
The 'luxury' retail sector is driven more than any other by 'lifestyle and experience'
For the wealthy to 'feel' wealthy they crave...
For business and consumer behavioural reasons I keep a close watch on China - and not just for stories, myths, and especially...
Selling products, services or selling yourself? Start a blog today...
One of my favourite modules of our training is the blogging...
Here at DLA Ignite we've been working hard to take the guesswork out of selling.
We've had the return on investment (ROI) of social...
My partner had her car services the other day and she got a hire car. The hire car was built in South Korea and down the side of...
I've had many conversations with marketing copywriters in the past day or so about the significance of GPT-3, the new open source...
In this new report by Simon Kemp he outlines the extent that social media has become part of our lives. When I talk to people about...
Many tech companies come to us and say "we think we are rubbish online but we are not sure".
Well this report can show you.
In terms...
I don't know if your on Twitter, or Instaglam but if you are you will have seen all the spammy messages from all around the world with...
Social media has been accelerating in its use for many years. I started on Twitter 11 years ago and social media was seen as...
There are literally hundreds of thousands of micro non paid influencers on all manner of social platforms today, many of those people are...
We run a training course for our Associates and Partners at 15:30 UK time on Mondays. It's a great session and exchange of ideas,...
Despite a slump like no other, ad spending may fall by less this year than the 11.2% drop that followed the financial crisis in 2009. And...
You are reading this "Passle" aka a blog.
Would you consider this digital?
You may well have arrived here via LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook...
There is much confusion and debate around the ongoing validity of the department store format with the likes of John Lewis and...
To quote this research from from Edinburgh University
"What the decision-makers made clear to us was that the most significant influence...
In every retail boardroom around the world, leaders and employees continue to search for the answer around how the retail landscape...
I spotted somebody on Linkedin the other day talking about the importance of "brand". It would seem that brand, rather than leads...
I've just got off a Zoom call. Nothing strange about that, there are 300 million zoom calls a day amd 200 million Microsoft Teams...
One of the things we teach people as part of our social programs is how to create content.
The ability to create content at all levels and...
In February of this year a mate of mine what for a job interview and got through to the final round and the SVP of sales said to him "of...
Yesterday, one of my team post this article that TikTok was installed more than 87 million times in June.
Now I realise that you are...
I've just listened to an interview with Sarah Walker-Smith - CEO Shakespeare Martineau by Michelle Cravill on her Leadership...
In this article, Catherine Coale from Telstra Purple talks about the transformation to being a social organization.
So What is a "Social...
With revenues in the toilet, enforced redundancies looming, all manner of businesses having no option but to become
52 percent of millennials say that they always research background information before buying goods or services, compared with 45 percent of
I spotted this article the other day as it used the word "phygital" which is a merger of the words physical and digital. For me, it...
Reading the headline "Half of Worldwide CEOs Have Seen Diminished Demand for Their Products and Services" in the current Covid19 climate,...
We are often called into companies and what they say to us is the following:-
We are operating in increasingly challenging market,...
As a company you have to have a strong sense of who you are appealing to if you are to build a sense of personality (brand)...
Just recently we were exposed to the media headlines about the sweatshops in Leicester that had been using what's being called 'slave...
I've just heard that another company has laid off staff, but what I don't understand is that company isn't changing it's business model.
Covid19 has forced us from a business perspective to make many changes to the way we work.
There was a time when I would travel to...
Love this article
“Gone are the days when a quarterly or weekly e-newsletter would pass as internal communications – chances are...
I have an iPhone, it has facial ID on it, Apple (as did Google) move away from touch to using a face to open a phone back in 2017.
As advertising has become increasingly dominated by the Facebook and Google duopoly, it would be easy to write off the print catalog as a...
I was recently talking with Jill Christensen about employee engagement
The question was raised "do employees work hard at home?" and...
If you haven't seen it before this research is the Edelman Trust Barometer and it comes out every year, so you have a last year, this...
This concept that you need to engage with mulitple stakeholders in a sales process, is nothing new.
Multi-Threading, Account Based...
Today we take it for granted that at the click of the mouse we can talk to, be seen with, and connect to virtually anyone around the globe.
If your a regular reader of my Blogs it won't come as a surprise that I've been beating the drum for the past 6 years about the fact you,...
As recently as 1940, 20% of US homes had no electric light and 30% had no running water. In 1800, 85% of the world lived in...
I'm not sure I remember what life was like before lock down.
Now my commute is the walk to my office ... boy, hasn't things changed.
I write quite a lot of blogs, they vary from my focus on the digital intrusions from the advertising industry, to how social media and
I'm writing this blog following the first major release from the UK's version of Lockdown which saw many businesses such as
Buyers and Sellers are now online.
Covid19 has impacted us all wherever you live in the world.
Where as recessions in the past impacted...
Interesting quote in an article
Salesforce survey85% of consumers conduct research before they make a purchase online, and among the...
Useful research, which shows that CEOs and CFOs don't agree with CMOs in terms of outlook.
It also shows that CMOs are not focusing in on...
Talking to somebody today they told me they were "resetting their business".
I asked them to explain to me what that meant. They had...
Interesting article on how Covid19 has changed the jobs market.
This research talks about the need for 149M new jobs by 2025 and more...
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