As advertising has become increasingly dominated by the Facebook and Google duopoly, it would be easy to write off the print catalog as a relic.
Just look at Sears: the once-iconic catalog retailer has finally filed for bankruptcy. But more e-commerce reliant retailers are rolling out magazine style catalogs to hook prospects and keep existing customers loyal, including startups like Everlane, Bonobos, Boll & Branch and Greats, as well as more traditional retailers, including JCPenney, Williams-Sonoma and Lafayette 148.
Even Amazon is reportedly planning to launch a toy catalog.
If done in the right way a magazine style catalog (not just product, but engaging content) can help keep a brand front of mind, it can assist with the consumer learning more about product & brand discovery, and it can help move consumers through additional channels - including your physical store.
Something ASOS have been doing for years.
Once you’ve created that engaging content you can then use it as part of a content led strategy on social media.
Do you want to know how to promote them without a GDPR compliant database?
Do you want to know how to cut down your mailing cost and send to people who are already interested?
Do you want to know how you can get them in front of the folks who are really in tune with your brand & product?
Do you want to reduce your marketing cost - apologies rhetorical I know?
Once you really understand the ‘Superpower’ with a Social Strategy for ANY channel you will see that all options should be a key part of the retail recovery playbook.magazine style
ROX is the new ROI: Prioritizing customer experience Consumers have more power over your company’s success or failure than ever before, and it’s time for a new metric that captures the return on your investment in them.