Digital Leadership Associates



We are Digital Leadership Associates experts in Social Media Strategy, Social Selling and Social Media Management


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Digital Leadership Associates Archive

The McKinsey Loyalty Loop

I find it perplexing that in an age where we have the tools (ad networks) to treat every prospect as a unique entity rather than trying...

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Decoding Silicon Valley's platitudes

It's refreshing to see journalists doing their job properly and probing the marketing platitudes of Silicon Valley's executives to try...

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This time, it's personal.

In short, mass marketing is dead or breathing its final death rattle breaths.  The more research & insight I read on this as...

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What's your digital IQ?

Makes for interesting reading, citing the latest PwCs Global Digital IQ Survey and also the Pew Centre Report. Budgets for emerging...

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AI in sales fantasy or reality?

There is much debate at the moment about AI and will it or wont be the end of humanity - so I will leave that to Elon & Mark to...

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Hyper Evolution: Rise of the Robots.

Great Telegraph article and an even better series on the rise of the robots. Catch it on BBC iplayer this weekend if you get a chance.


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Vanilla Ice & Social Selling, say what?!

I had a moment of clarity, which is rare for me. How could I bring to life social selling and have some fun with it as well. Then it hit...

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Is Skynet really coming?

For those who are not Terminator fans (and if not, why not?) Skynet is the all seeing computer system that controls the Terminators who...

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Hunter vs Farmer? What are you?

This piece caught my eye and it raises an interesting debate. I am not a hunter, I don't like new business and I am not a sales...

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