This quoted article makes for some startling reading on the what the impact of GDPR is starting to look like. 

I have worked across 4 different industries, all used email marketing in some shape or form; all had massive challenges around contact information, maintaining and keeping it up to date; throw in the odd SNAFU on some poor marketer accidentally emailing the entire database with a test template - but hey, it happens, the recipient won't mind and we move on. 

The problem is that SNAFU could now cost you a huge amount in fines. For each different type of marketing communication you send out.

Well it would seem that this will now not be the case with the it being cited in this piece that up to 75% of data will useless - or, in other words, 75% of what you are spending on your CRM and email marketing system will now be a total waste of money and effort.

No wonder Wetherspoons just deleted the whole lot. This has to get CEOs and the entire board waking up this problem, this is not just a compliance and marketing headache - this is going to redefine entirely how you engage with your customers and prospects, beyond the phone and face to face meeting. 

There is a very simple answer - the rise of hyperpersonalisation and social. B2B boards have got to get a grip and start thinking like a disruptor B2C business like Amazon, AirBNB, Uber, PayPal and so on where they create a brand experience and a friction-less buying experience for the customer. 

To do this, you have to change your Board, Sales & Marketing functions behaviours, process and understanding of social & digital technologies. This is not a technology play, this is people play, supercharged by technology.