With so many articles about digital disruption, digital is described as a physical thing.  It isn't.

You cannot just walk into your organisation and point at things and get the analogue version in the skip.  The go out and but digital versions.

Digital isn't about system replacement, it's about a new way of working.

The biggest percentage of any change is the people and process, the cost of the "things" is the smallest part.

How can you as a company release this shackles of the past and start working in a more efficient and effective way?

The 7th area you need to look at is changing your working processes through social.  Usually social internally, McKinsey say will generate a 25% efficiency.  That's 25% more people at no cost.  Which business leader wouldn't do that?

Plus external benefits of an incremental revenue uplift of 25%, again business leaders cannot say no to that revenue uplift.

High fives all round!