Makes for interesting reading, citing the latest PwCs Global Digital IQ Survey and also the Pew Centre Report. Budgets for emerging technology in the "digital" budget has only increased 1% in the last 10 years from 17% - 18% - in the last 10 years! That for seem to be bordering on insanity or ignorance, maybe both. 

It then cites that organisations believe that their "digital IQ" is dropping, not improving, now sitting at an average of 52% vs 67% & 66% in 2016 and 2015 respectively.

It then goes on to highlight that "In the Pew study, 52% of respondents were hesitant with respect to embracing technology wholeheartedly. It’s worth acknowledging that you’re employing some of these people right now."  what does this tell us?

People, Process & Technology - it is, always has been and for the time being will be, People that will hold back digital transformation, NOT technology. 

PwC survey can be found here and Pew Centre Research paper here