Something has happened in the B2B world.  We don't know what it is but marketers are saying to me "Marketing doesn't work anymore".

This is not one isolated case, this is multiple marketers all well respected all telling me that Marketing is broken.  If some marketers are admitting this, I wonder how many are not?  It's pretty "easy" asking for more budget, trying more webinars, advertising, sending more emails.  If you are reading this, and you might have missed a quarter, you might have missed two, here's a thing.

We can all justify this quarter is always quiet, or this quarter people are on holiday or this quarter is a short quarter.  What happens if these are just excuses and in fact the market has shifted some way.  Which is what we are hearing.

The question is, what are you going to do differently to make sure you don't miss a third?  Or of course, you can start calling recruitment consultants. 

May I make a suggestion?  Have you tried social?  Not in a haphazard, let's train a few people and hope it works (it didn't) but using a world beating methodology that get results?  I'm happy to have a coffee a call.

Your call.