Sometime you read a piece of content that sits with you
and underpins why you do what you do, and what it means
to create content, share content and discover content.
"How can we stand out in this noisy world?"
Mark Schaefer shares some pieces of gold in this guest piece for the team at Cronycle
You can read the article in the link below at leisure.
A few areas for me that stood out.
- 'First to market content strategy'
- 'Social Sharing' - transmission of content as a key metric
- 'Thought Leadership' - are you the leader in your industry?'
- 'Attention & Retention - FTM with your news and insights'
- 'Creating relevant up-to-date fresh content for today'
This last bit caught my eye in many ways and made me look at my journey to work out what works and what doesn't in amongst the sea of sameness and noise.
Building our expertise outwards and becoming trusted advisors against any SEO search campaign being paid for and having zero number attached to it.
Mark talks about having won a piece of work in Seattle that he should have been nowhere near.
He would not have been top or anywhere near any search in this field or he would not have been found online against similar searches in SEO.
He asked the question "Why did you hire me?". Your content resonates with me".
His content was not at the top of any SEO stack for personal branding. He won this business against all SEO odds. He ignored SEO and wrote for his network and readers. If he does that well and consistently, he gains more audience and business.
"I'm not tricking you into clicking a link. He is creating content that consistently connects with your hopes and dreams and business needs. I'm building a long-term connection through fresh and timely content that RESONATES!"
That resonates with me for sure. How about you?
Have a great Monday.
#seo #marketing #content
I’m not creating content to trick you into clicking a link. I am creating content that consistently connects with your hopes and dreams and business needs. I’m building a long-term connection through fresh and timely content that resonates.