In this article it talks about five dimensions shaping the future of work.
There is one thing totally changing how we work and play and that is social media.
Social has already changed how we interactive with people. We are now more global in our view. While once Granny in the Uk would only find out what was happening with the grandchildren in Canada via a letter at Christmas now she can have access to photos instantaneously via Facebook.
In the world of business, we can go online and research any product or service, at any time of the day or night. We don't have to talk to a salesperson, in fact we can research a purchase without the companies that we don't buy from, ever knowing about it.
Social is changing work. It could be Slack, Teams, Yammer, Chatter, Oracle Social Network but we are seeing that people take the "social" way of working in their home lives and bring it into work.
In my previous company we were able to:-
1. Have a sales forecast that was 95% accurate.
2. Get sales people contributing earlier.
3. Get maternity returners contributing earlier.
4. Kept out new starts and had them contributing earlier.
5. In fact we found that we got employees work 25% more efficient.
Just think across a company of 100,000 people we got 25,000 more people for free! And we had more control of the business and had more people contributing earlier.
This is a classic "more for less" situation, striping out costs, while increasing efficiency and effectiveness. You could take any one of those benefits and turn it into a business case for such a project.
How much would it be worth to your company if new sales people contributed quicker?
How much would it be worth to your company if maternity returners contributed quicker?
How much would it be worth to your company if you had 25% more employees?
How much it would it be worth to your company to get a 25% accurate sales forecast? As a Manufacturing company you could save millions in unneeded raw materials.
How much would it be worth to the business in keeping the talent you have?
How much would it be worth to the business to get access to to talent quicker in the market?
This is what is changing business today ..... social.
There are two areas that are heavily shaping the future of work. The first being the growing adoption of artificial intelligence, machine learning and augmentation in the workplace and of work tasks. The second being the five dimensions defined by the International Labour Office in their Literature Review on the Future of Work. These dimensions are: Job creation Quality of jobs Social protection Wage and income inequalities Social dialogue and industrial relations.