We often see "leaders" on social that have had their Marketing agency or PR company tell them they must be on social. 

The leader then clumsily joins social and tries to play along.  Or worse, it's actually the Marketing agency or PR company trying to play with social, when it's clear they don't have a clue.

You don't have to be an influencer, you just need to be yourself.

Yes you need a profile on social and yes you need both passive and an active presence.  A PR company, a Marketing Agency or a Profile Writing company cannot write that for you.  It has to come from the heart.

Written profiles and profiles that are run by marketing / PR companies are obvious and it makes the situation worse.  That is, having an agency run your profile is worse than not having a profile.

We always expect out client CEOs to be on social and to run their own social profile.  Why because it actually wins them business.  Either sales people are selling and the CEO is looked up on social.  Does he or she look like the type of person we can do business with?  Or it comes to the time of the sale when you get the CEO involved and ..... the same.... does the CEO look like a person we can do business with?