We visited a client the other week, like so many clients we visited they were scared. Scared that the buying process had changed, but they are unsure what to do.

The days of interrupting people and broadcasting (advertising, cold calling and emails) are dead.

Anyway they had been contacted by a software company, they watched the pitch. It all seemed so simple. Use this tool and all your problems will go away. In fact, it was better than that. That slow decline to obscurity would be reversed. 

They signed up. Gave it to the sales team and guess what?

Of course, nothing happened. 

We were asked to fix the tool.  We pointed out the tool was excellent, in fact there are thousands of tools you can buy that do exactly what they say they can do. Problem is, your staff don’t have the skills needed for today. They are not social. 

What do I mean as everybody is on Facebook and know how to post on there. What I mean is having a programmatic process that enables you to generate business from social media. 

We liken it to “do this”, “do this”, and “do this” and you will get leads and meetings on social.  The problem is, people don't know what "do this" is, they still think it's posting, chasing likes, chasing followers or interrupting people, like we always did.  But that's the point, interruption is dead, same with interruption on social.  An inamil is just a cold call but on social.  

Let's take a step back.  We all know that social media has changed the world.  Never in the history of the world has world leaders been able to talk direct to the world as they can on Twitter.  No longer do they need to talk through journalists.  In fact, in theory you can talk back to them as well.  You may not like this world, but the "horse has bolted".

Check out this research from Hootsuite and We are Social Media https://datareportal.com/reports/digital-2019-q4-global-digital-statshot shows there are 3.75 Billion people in the world active on social media. From a B2B Enterprise prospective, that is pretty much everybody you are going to need to sell to. 

Accenture research shows that we are spending 6.4 hours a day on the internet, which if we take out the time we are asleep, we are now spending half our lives on the internet.  Let me write that again.  Your prospects, your employees, your customers, your future employees are all on social!

What our teams lack is the methodology and the confidence to get on social. 

So the answer is a one day masterclass?

Sorry, this won’t change a thing.

I need to lose weight and get fit.

What I need is a process to go to the gym three times a week and to change my diet. Spending a day in a gym isn’t going to help me, I need the mind set change and the habit change. 

CEOs know that to get digital, they need a digital workforce.  So how are they going to get that?  By training people ..... of course, there is where we come in.