This article is a book review and mentions the recent disruption from social, mobile and cloud. All technologies that have rapidly changed the business and the start-up world.
When I organised my first start-up you always needed a "techie" in the band of founders as they would be the one that understood technical things. While you need those type of people, you might not need them from day 1 as, like @digitalleadersA Digital Leadership Associates (DLA) we run everything in the Cloud.
In the area of social there are two major issues that start-ups have with social.
1. Social = advertising -- Social is not advertising and advertising is not social. Nobody looks are adverts anymore, in fact we have taught ourselves to ignore such noise. The same as an advertising hoarding at a football match is not in the football game. Here at DLA we don't advertise, we go to where our customers are (on social) and have conversations.
2. Build it and they will come. We come across so many companies and individuals that think that social media is about posting. If we post, people will read it, it will go viral. Like anything in like you need a strategy and to be doing things for a reason. Here at DLA we have grown our Twitter account at 1,000 followers a month and are a truly global company, through the power of social, (mobile and cloud).
The prequel to this story is the well-chronicled rise of “social, mobile and cloud” - or social media, mobile phones and tablets, and the migration to cloud computing solutions. Taneja adds two important links to this chain – artificial intelligence and Big Data.