One of the reasons why Adam, Hugo and I wrote "Smarketing: How to Achieve Competitive Advantage through Blended Sales and Marketing" (available on Amazon) was so we could leave these articles behind.
Interesting read, but talks about sales and marketing working together in some sort of abstract and fluffy way. In the book "Smarketing" we make sure we define a real path that companies (sales and marketing) can follow to gain the incremental revenue and competitive advantage gains mention.
While this article flaps around as a "why" you should do this the book "Smarketing" provides a "how".
This modern approach to marketing requires that you work hand-in-hand with sales. Businesses see measurably better results when the two teams are orchestrated — 36 percent higher customer retention rates, 38 percent higher win rates and 208 percent more revenue from marketing efforts, according to Wheelhouse Advisors. This research reflects trends we see on LinkedIn; for instance, prospects are 1.38 times more likely to respond to direct sales messages on LinkedIn if marketing has first influenced them.