It's a pity that Account Based Marketing (ABM) so often gets put in the Marketing bucket. In fact, ABM is a strategy that covers Marketing, Sales, Customer Service, Finance, Procurement, Supply Chain etc in fact all customer facing departments.
The term "Account Based Everything" is supposed to cover this, but only the most advanced companies seem to "get this". As companies start the merger of sales and Marketing, often called Smarketing, and as companies start to see that social media is the glue that binds a company. ABE will be seen as the standard go-to-market.
Account-based marketing, or ABM, has become a hot topic in the B2B world over the last few years. But ABM is too limited a concept to describe the change that’s taking place. The impact of ABM should extend well beyond marketing, which typically focuses on customer acquisition. Instead, B2B players should adopt “account-based,” or AB, as their go-to term and mindset. Not long ago, most B2B marketers weren't thinking account-based anything. Two years from now, I believe the B2B space will be dominated by the AB mindset. In the meantime, most players still have much to learn.