This is an interesting article created by our friends at Facebook that takes you through a "stato heaven" of statistics related to the FIFA World Cup and Facebook.
Which player and team was discussed the most, which hashtag was used the most, etc.
The number one lesson we can learn in the world of B2B is that: we need to be close to our fans. Put better, we (as sales people and marketers) need to be close to our prospects and customers.
Any where are they?
Not on your website, not on your landing page, they are not waiting to be cold called, they are not reading unsolicited emails or adverts, they are on social!
Be where the fans are.People from all over the world come together to share their passion for sports in online communities. Learn more about sports fan audiences and how different fan types interact across our platforms. Engage across platforms with football (soccer) fans pre-game.Join supporters as anticipation mounts, and follow alongside them. Consider how Facebook works with other mediums throughout major televised events such as this when constructing media plans. People connect on Facebook while they watch TV—in fact for those watching the premiere of a popular TV show, our research shows that Facebook activity peaked during every commercial break. Find out more in Planning Effective Video Campaigns Across Screens. Connect closer to moments that matter.Engage in a shared experience with your consumers.