It's something that seems to passed the "Digital Transformation" market, or any aspect of digital by, it's the ability to measure.

If you look at 'Digital" research it is very focused on things like who is managing the digital project, if there is a digital strategy and the system change.  Nobody is focused on a measure of how digital something is.

Until now.

Since DLA Inspire started our work three years ago we have been measuring, every single customer.  This means we now know what is best practice, or put another way, what is good and what is bad in terms of digital.

This article below is "interesting" but it uses research to back it up.  We all know that research is people's opinion and a forecast, it isn't based on fact.

What about if you could actually measure your digital project and benchmark it against best practice?  What happens if you could measure your employees against best practice?  What about measuring your digital journey and benchmark it against your competition?