In our line of business we work with a range of organisations, across sectors and geographic locations.
Some are looking to create influence for a variety of reasons, other are very focussed on pipeline and growth, revenue and ebitda.
In every scenario where the goal is revenue and ebitda we run the same model.
It asks 4 questions:
Do you have access to your markets?
Do you have credibility in those markets?
Do you have meaningful connection with your prospects?
Can you convert all of the above to commercial interaction?
These questions really bring it home.
The first 3 areas are what your marketing should be helping you but unfortunately most marketing has lost its way. What used to be the one of the most important role in the business in generally now confined to brochureware, burning cash for the sake of 'visibility' and being 'really busy' preforming activities that cannot be measure against pipeline attribution.
I used to work for an organisation where I found out the marketing team were known as "the 'colouring in' department...", really talented people, many with degrees and years of experiences confined to updating websites, putting bland corporate posts on the company page and asking people to share them, printing business cards and booking events.
We need this creative talent, experience and business energy working properly again.
Its time we put marketing back on top - everything focussed on access to markets, credibility in those markets and creating meaningful connection with prospects.
Its time to give marketing the confidence and knowledge that their efforts are directly contributing to the success of the business and get away from 'doing things' and hoping for the best...
If you are serious about growth, you must dig deep on these questions. Once you get inside these them you will realise that its impossible to avoid Social Media and Digital transformation.
Lets unpack why...
Question 1: Access to markets
"We have established we have useful products and services and now need to take them to market. Where can we take them and who are the businesses we should target?".
This is the market analysis piece and working out how we get into those markets. Market analysis isn't done with maps, its done digitally.
Using Social Media well allows you to dissect markets and pinpoint 'who is who' and where they are - Its a free source of market information. We now have a list of tier 1, 2 and 3 targets and we can begin creating early stage capture plans.
Now we can see the people we are interested in and begin the process of bringing them into our digital networks.
Question 2: Credibility in those markets
Beyond "visibility.."
Once we have established where and who, how do we show them that we are a credible player?
How to we demonstrate this in ways that get them interested in us..?
This where we need to start to build influence. Put the corporate content and brochureware away...we must start to build influence.
The aim is to create 'Qualified relevance' where your prospects know you and understand that you are the leading technical and commercial influencers in your sector...
So much time is wasted by people doing things for the sake of visibility, its a waste of time. Anyone can have visibility....its temporary, its not actionable and it doesn't change a thing...
Qualified Relevance gets you the credibility you need to create meaningful connection with business prospects..
Question 3: Meaningful connection with prospects
We now have the right people's attention and they understand who we are , what we are and that we are specialists. We have Qualified Relevance....what now?
We must establish trust and build relationships within those new accounts?
Focus on thought leadership...
The 2021 LinkedIn-Edelman B2B thought leadership impact report is an excellent report which saw Edelman and LinkedIn collaborate on the fourth annual B2B Thought Leadership Impact Study to examine how thought leadership influences perception and buying behaviours among B2B decision-makers (link below).
The report says…
"64% of buyers say that and organisation thought leadership content is a more trustworthy basis for assessing its capabilities and competency than its marketing materials and products sheets".
It then goes on to say
“63% of buyers also say that thought leadership is important in providing proof that an organisation genuinely understands or can solve your business challenges".
This is where we need to be aiming, it doesn’t come easily. There is no afternoon ‘LinkedIn Training’ course that can teach this and you cant get it by sharing the company page post that marketing put out.…this takes expertise and understanding.
This is about improving the financial performance of the business for the long term…not tinkering around with content to see what ‘works.
Question 4: Create Commercial Interaction
It all hinges on this. If we do well in the first 3 elements it should position us perfectly to take advantage of this crucial next step.
This where we need the sales team doing what they do best, creating conversations and moving all of this to the point of sale.
In 2022 we need this machine working well, a slick, modern digital process which gets the very best for our businesses.
As we try to answer these questions moving into 2022, it’s impossible to avoid Digital and Social regardless of our sector.
No matter how complex we make it sound, not matter how many techniques and methods are employed at each stage…these are the basic elements we all need to be good at and, as we move into 2022, it’s impossible to have this level of analysis and conversation without turning to digital. In fact, these days its front and centre.
So, it makes sense that all of the people in our team that are responsible for generating demand, generating leads and closing business should be expert at working Digital and Social…
Give your team the digital skills they need to access markets, establish credibility in those markets, create meaningful connections within prospects....and drive commercial interaction.
Efficient - Effective - Energising
Measurable - Scalable - Repeatable
Live Social '22
To get what we need in the B2B space with Social Media, we must use sustainable and strategic ‘visibility’ as a conduit to generate ‘Qualified Relevance’.