I must apologise if you are looking for a quick fix to your website this article isn't it. The reason for that is there are no quick fixes in digital marketing. No silver bullets.
Websites 5 to 10 years ago were a mainstay of the digital marketing experience, but the problem is that most marketers have killed them off with a secret bland ingredient. We all know that buyers go on-line and do a number of things:-
1. Read content
2. watch videos
3. Check you out on social media.
In the Business-to-Business (B2B) enterprise space very few buyers will check out your website. Why? Because it will be full of corporate content that tells people how wonderful you are, which we just ignore. Or tells us about your products, which we just ignore. Or it tells us about your founders, again which we ignore.
Brent Adamson was recently quoted in this Forbes article https://www.forbes.com/sites/johnellett/2018/06/12/most-b2b-marketers-are-making-this-same-big-mistake-and-it-is-hurting-sales/#58b680a67298
"Most B2B websites were not designed to help buyers buy. Most B2B websites were designed to help sellers broadcast to the world three things: who we are, what we do, how we help. Customers are coming to my website not to find out about my company, when we were founded and the fact that we were founded in 1975 in the back of a pickup truck or whatever, but rather because they heard something very specific about the thing that they're looking to buy from a sales rep. And now they're looking for a very concrete corroboration, maybe a customer testimonial, maybe a calculator that they can use on their own, maybe additional data that they can download. They're looking for it in a digital channel independent of the in-person channel. And if they don't find it, they'll wait to make the decision”
Your best "website" is your salespeople talking about you, writing about you and being authentic. Not in a corporate content, boring type of way, but in a expert helping sort of way. Add to that empowering your employees to do the same and you have a lead generation machine that will create you so much inbound you won't believe it.
The good news is that implementing a few quick fixes should help kick-start your digital marketing and ramp up lead generation. Here are the top five reasons why new websites fail to generate leads: