Back in the good old days, I was a master of the call.
I never used the term cold call, as I always gave my process a little more juice than that.
Research, understanding the market, challenges, issues, incumbent, white space.
Enough information essentially to make that call worthwhile and warmer than your average.
Granted, they may not have known me from Adam, but I always had the hope that what I said, who I was and what I thought we could bring to the buying table was relevant enough.
Anyway, that was then and this is now. 2021 and the pandemic that we will never forget.
Many businesses and people have had to shift, adjust, develop and understand that what we see now in the B2B world has changed dramatically. It was coming, it was just accelerated by the COVID pandemic and the movements behind the working from home process making business interactions and meetings harder than ever and non-existent for some.
I wonder, what have you done as a business to adjust to this new digital first landscape.
Back up a little to Adam. A term used for someone not knowing you well enough than someone else of the same persona or sector or discipline. Like for example there are over 23,000,000 BD Managers on Linkedin, 24,300,000 Marketing Managers on Linkedin, 14,400,000 Account Managers on Linkedin, 8,760,000 Managing Directors on Linkedin and 4,150,000 Finance Directors on Linkedin across the globe.
Are we all ADAM? Or can we be the person that people trust, know and want to work with. Not based on a cold call, email, or marketing campaign but from our social presence.
What I mean is, in a world of sameness how do YOU stand out from your competition??
You separate yourself from the pack of MILLIONS and become the person that businesses, buyers and prospects want to find, be entertained by what they see, and fundamentally work with as what they see will have stood out, been different and not like all the others on social.
Example - Headline. This is about YOU. Not what your job role is. This headline should glitch the eye and make me, the buyer, the prospects or business STOP and read on.
So as you think about that for a bit, what could you change it to to make this work for you.
This is the start line in any movements that will make your social media time a success that ends in revenue and new customer acquisition and make your boss and team happy.
Now imagine I catch the eye, based on my headline and suddenly they have stepped onto my profile, which is what I want any of the thousands of buyers, prospects and businesses looking at your profile, your image, your content, your voice, what an expert you are, to do.
Oh, you thought they went to your website or company page and then just called you? NO!
They are looking for answers to questions. How do we do X or Y or Z. And who with??
Will they find what they are looking for when they land on you? Or will they find your competitions employee profiles that are fully buyer centric, optimised to work in SEO favour and full of rich and diverse content across the whole team.... POWERFUL!
In a sea full of ADAM'S in whatever sector you are in, you can step away from all of that noise, you can build your digital first footprint for now and forever, and you can start to build, write and develop a beautiful strategic plan based on what you want your company to look like for your target market and the businesses you aspire, as a team to work with.
If you are who you say you are, as a business person or a company with values, ethics, personality, purpose and forward thinking attitudes that value customers and relationships. Then tell me this in content form, tell me this every day and mix this up throughout your team who all have a purpose to write, enjoy and benefit from a strategic programme that enable them to unlock their DIGITAL DNA and build a DIGITAL footprint that will elevate their social presence, activate their social behaviours and allow them to get near any customer/prospect/business you want, anytime, any place. DIGITAL FIRST with TRUST.
In the last 5 months I have written 34 articles alone all based on my Social Selling expertise. You can read them here.
Add that to the daily posts I do which involve a short post, long post, slide deck, video, poll and you have the makings of someone who wants to be found by people in business looking for answers on a specific topic/subject.
And guess what, that is what has happened. I write, I connect, I engage, I conversate.
When you and your team start to get the meaning of a digital footprint and two-way engagement through content and strategy, building influence and a network that you want to talk with, then everything you had done before will not be required.
Your time on social is not 10 mins here or 20 mins there. It is your sales pipeline, your prospecting time, your building influence time, your red hot leads to interact and have a conversation with time. All at pace, under control and with permission, based on the behaviours you and your team have been coached to develop and understand, creating a culture of SOCIAL CHANGEMAKERS.
No longer are you ADAM and swimming in the same pool as all the other callers, emailers and marketing campaigners in the world of HOPE and MAYBE.
You and your team are now FRONT & CENTRE, DIGITAL FIRST and on the place that your BUYERS, PROSPECTS, and BUSINESSES you want to work with are.
You and your team have all the data from every interaction, every bit of content, every connection and every conversation you have that will have a number attached to it.
I have produced many articles on here. All that make me stand out, and put me to the top of mind against any SEO search in my field, sector and area. Imagine that across your team that you choose to take the social programme. They will thank you for it. They will be more enthused than ever. It will feel like a new role, teamwork at the core. Message on point and strapped in by an unrivalled STRATEGIC PURPOSE. DOMINANCE in your SECTOR.
I must also point out, if you didn't know already. Corporate posts and that from marketing do not work and this is what is known as 'playing on social' and 'echo chamber metrics'. It is not worth your time, marketing's time or the teams time. It doesn't attach a number to anything.
We make sure that when we move you onto social with purpose, we get ROI based on doing what we say, and having a team that knows how to deliver and monetize your social time. All day, every day. No playing on social.
Think long and hard about the last 6-12 months. Then think about what you want from the next 12 months. If growth is the answer then move away from ADAM and everyone else and own your SHARE OF VOICE on SOCIAL.
We can show you how.
Social Selling & Business Digital Transformation. Simple. But not easy.
Have a great week. Ask me anything.
Share user-generated content. (This tells your audience that what they have to say matters.) Provide value by sharing tutorials and solving problems for them. The better you become at building relationships, the more your social media presence will grow.