When Sarah and I set up Crux we knew we wanted it to be a Social company from day 1. A company that showed the real personality of its people and stayed visible, active and connected.
When we mapped out what we needed to do to make this happen, we came to our Content Plan – What do we want to be known for, what are our content values and what will we do?
Our Content Values from day 1 (they haven’t changed):
- We want to help people
- We want to educate and be educated
- We want to inspire and be inspired
- We want to highlight alternatives
- We want to contribute to a new better (#newbetter)
So, all of our content is built and firmly rooted in and around those content values. When you map it out you can’t go wrong, you stick to the plan and it all relates. If you ever think you are going off theme, check back to the list and ask “is this in line with what we said we would do?”.
We decided where we wanted to ‘Socially live’. We went with Twitter and LinkedIn to start, we also use YouTube. The recent numbers from Simon Kemp on Instagram and Tik Tok are amazing so we are working out how to also live there.
We listed the type of content we would produce: Blogs – Yes, Posts – Yes, Video – Yes….but we also discussed podcasts…
I’ve been into podcast for years, I listen to one or a part of one most days. Some are educational, some are fun some are about crime…a really rich library. It might be Joe Rogan one day, Marc Maron the next. It might be Bill Burr or Desert Island Discs!
Podcasts, were big news and then went away, as so often with things on the internet, but they’ve had a resurgence. People love podcasts.
But what right would I have to run a podcast? That’s the point, we all have the right, if you have a voice, a thought in your head and think you could get some people to talk to you – you can run a podcast!
The only difference between you and someone who does a podcast, is that they do it and you don’t, yet.
So, I listed a few interesting people that I know. I sent them a note asking if they would do it, explained what it was about and asked them to be guests. Some said yes, some said it wasn’t for them.
Here’s the note: “I’m doing a podcast which is a real conversation with real people in business who have an interesting perspective on life. Innovators, pioneers, thought leaders or people that just do things differently with interesting results, I think you would be a great guest”.
On March 19 we posted the very first ‘Crux Cast’ – having no clue if anyone would listen. Crux Cast #1 with Dr Simon Biltcliffe was now out……scary!
Not scary at all as it turns out.
This week we will post Crux Cast #40. 40 great guests from a wide range of businesses, sectors and geography. We’ve been to Oslo, Dubai and Los Angeles. We’ve been across Australia, Sweden and all across the UK.
We’ve covered Engineering, Hospitality, Coaching, Marketing, Sales, Finance, PR, Social Media, Fitness and Nutrition, Recruitment, the list goes on…
The feedback has been amazing, we get notes from people saying how much they enjoy the ‘show’. We’ve even had notes of thanks that a particular show has had a huge impact on someone’s life and they have made a decision to do something different – that is amazing.
We’ve made hundreds of new connections, had enquiries for work and met future business partners – all from a series of 30-minute chats.
People tell us they listen when they are running, or in the car. Some have it on in the background when working at home - They know that they get around 30 minutes of interesting material.
So, think about adding a podcast to your content mix – Make sure its from you and not lost under a corporate umbrella. It’s fun and not hard to do. It keeps you connected, expands your network and has a lot of Social benefits.
Ill even come on as a guest if you want, if you are struggling to find a good one…
Let’s talk about podcasts, your content mix and anything else to do with Social Media for your business.
Crux / DLA Ignite
You can check out the Crux Cast on our YouTube channel: Get to the Crux
As podcasts grow in their references in more traditional media and enter general conversations, so too will we see growth in familiarity; it’s a good benchmark for analyzing entry into the mainstream consciousness and out of the podcaster bubble. Indeed, this year, familiarity continues to rise at a rapid pace, with 3/4 of all Americans now aware of the term “podcast”.