This is the first edition and introduction to 'Never in a month of THUNKdays! as it says on the tin, a deep dive inside and around everything that happens in the Crux universe.
This isn't going to be an article pretending to be a Newsletter (THATS WHAT ARTICLES ARE FOR!!!) No....!
....this going to be news, unseen content and insight into:
What's happened in the last month and the coming month with Social Selling & Influence.
News, helpful information, changes, themes and tips.
For this quarter we are focussing on 3 areas:
👉Building Influence
👉Qualified Relevance
👉Digital skills
We will expand more on these topics in coming Newsletters.
We will also be sharing some insight into The Social Selling THUNK our Social Selling & Influence comic book which is now in its third volume!
The Crux Cast
On March 19th 2020 we posted our first ever Crux Cast. A podcast which homes in on the life story of a professional in business.
A real under the skin "where it all started" kind of thing.
Along the way we met some amazing people with incredible stories to share.
We got more into live streaming and video and on the 13th May 2021 we posted our 62nd Crux Cast with Chris West, CEO at Optimus, and what a Crux Cast it was...
To give you an is CC #62
The Crux Cast was where it all started and we loved doing it...So, we are bringing it back with a new range of guests in February!
Stay tuned for more - Insight, Easter eggs and maybe even bloopers...!
The Big Live Breakfast Burrito
This is our weekly LinkedIn Live (every Thursday morning 0745 UK time).
We wanted to create a space where people could meet, get to know each other and have fun. Professional people networking in a new way.
A safe space which was all about the people not about the presenters...The Burrtioneans!
You will find:
Music, Games, Jokes, Word quizzes, Poetry, Facts, Amazing guests and features which aim to help people....
Each month in this newsletter we will show you behind the scenes, interview a Burrito team member or a Burrtionean and give you an insight into what goes on off screen!
We will even run the odd competition for some quality merch!
and I will be be giving updates and insight to the wonderful world of helping people prepare themselves to be found for work with Social Media and many other exciting and interesting bits of news!
And.....I'm going to use one of my paintings as the banner for each one!
So, that's it....a little introduction to our Newsletter.
We hope you enjoy it, if you do lets us know and if you want us to change something, let us know. We are putting this together for you and your opinion helps us...🙏
Live Social '22
Our first edition and we hop you like it, let us know if you'd like to see anything specific.