Was with one of clients yesterday and the subject of the allocation of leads came up.
The Sales Leader said "don't allocate that lead to person A, as they are crap on social".
His point was clear, me, my team, in fact everybody in the company represent Digital Leadership Associates (DLA). This has been the same even in the days before the internet, social and mobile.
If I turned up late, scruffy, or made an inappropriate comment in a meeting, I would be expect to be thrown out. I recall the story, when I was at Oracle of the person who turned to the only woman in the room and saying "will you make the tea?". That person was Oracle's CFO and now CEO.
The same on social, you represent your company your LinkedIn profile, Twitter. In fact all of your company represent your business on social.
The Sales Leader went onto say "I'm not having her, go to a meeting with a prospect, while she has a crap LinkedIn profile. What will the customer think? It's just not professional!"
Your LinkedIn profile is now central to your sales persona, just as much as not having bad breath. Time for a LinkedIn mint maybe?
B2B companies are in the midst of 2019 business planning—examining the past year and planning for the year ahead. One of the main metrics considered is revenue. Besides profit, annual revenue is typically the best way to judge a company’s size, health, and viability. skip Ads by Hooly If revenue is the vibrant plant flourishing, leads are the seeds nourished to grow. Effective management of leads is the critical indicator of increasing revenue. In this post, I explore why lead management is so crucial and how it directly affects annual revenue.