Digital transformation requires us as leaders (I'm a CEO) to lead by example. I'm amazed by the number of companies that say they have employed interns to enable to company with regard to social and digital. Which abdicated the need for the management to understand digital. I'm sure there is no connection between that and the fact that company has moved from a buy to a hold. Maybe that is a bad quarter, maybe it isn't and it's the start of a long decline.
Today is Sunday and why does that matter? Content is the lifeblood of my business. Advertising is dead (regardless how much money people are throwing at it), GDPR has killed email marketing and while you may have a great website, I guarantee your customers are not on it. SEO forces your customers from a platform they like (social) to a platform they don't like (your website). 80% of the internet connect world is on social media. Your customers are on social, you have to start treating social strategically!
It was a great feeling to be in a meeting this week with two business leaders and they admitted "we are behind, but we see a great opportunity to get ahead". They were already reading or had read my book "Social Selling - Influencing Buyers and Changemakers" (available on Amazon). Which is a great place to start.
So what about it being Sunday today. Content is how we prospect. If we are not creating content for our potential clients will find as they are searching for solutions to their problems, we are dead. Our clients never stop searching. We often get inbound at the weekend. We guess there are many people watching kids play football or rugby and are on their mobiles. Which is why our creation of content must never stop and why as CEO I am creating content on a Sunday.
They say you have to lead by example — and this rings especially true when it comes to digital transformation. However, more than half of those questioned for my company’s 2018 Salesforce Digital Transformation Survey said that they have either little or no engagement with fostering a digitally empowered culture. Overcoming this is something we as marketers have to make a priority. The marketing department performs a vital function in any company — it tells your customers who you are and how you can provide them with what they want and need. In an environment where we all want to show our customers and the world that we’re transforming digitally, it’s vital that our team members know the value it can bring to their own working lives.