While this research is a little old (2011) and the same is smallish (377) it is interesting that people are blaming issues with Digital Transformation on internal factors rather than competition and market conditions. The barriers to growth being:-
Symptoms of Complexity
- Insuffcient Resources
- Inability to Focus
- Organization Complexity
In addition to that, culture, weak business plans and talent
I will leave you with this quote “Global financial assets are now 10 times global GDP, making talent and ideas rather than capital the binding constraint on growth in most large companies.”
Only 11% of large companies (defined as public companies with more than $500 million in sales) become sustained value creators, according to figures from Bain & Company. Of the remaining companies, 85% blame their failures on internal factors, rather than external factors like competition and market conditions. The top five barriers to growth cited by the companies’ CEOs include: Insufficient resources Inability to focus A culture of risk aversion Organizational complexity Weak business plans