Now, more than 50% of Google searches end without a click to other content WTF!!!
Do yourself a favour and type into 'Google' a search that begins with the terms 'What, Why, How, Who'.
Once there scroll past those 'paid ads' at the top, make sure your sitting down because what you'll see next will probably make you feel quite sick.
Particularly as you, your team, and your agency have been optimising your website for these many years in order that should such a search be entered into Google you might benefit from the click to the source (your website) from that search - well, no more my friends, no more.

I've added the link to the research that states that Google favours the searcher, not the brand or content provider who delivered that answer for Google to leverage.
If you combine this with the added impact from social media networks (3.7bn people) then chances are that the shiny content filled, search optimised website you slave over just isn't delivering what is did before!
In essence, if you're writing content purely to please the Google gods then you need to re-think your content led strategy, maybe it's time to take a serious look at how best to engage with social media for something other than a place to interrupt me with your intrusive adverts.
If you would like to know how, by all means drop me a DM.
The update includes data from the second quarter of 2019, in which 49.76% of Google searches ended without a click. In June, that figure surpassed 50%, meaning that the majority of Google searches ended right on the search results page, without the user clicking through to any results.