I write a lot about the intrusive advertising industry, if your regular reader of my blogs you will already know why.
I look at everything from the proliferation of the 7+ Thousand Ad Tech firms who are responsible for the Tsunami of those ads, the level of fraud which is forecast to reach circa $100 Billion by 2023, and I don't even want to get started on the massive 85% YoY rise in Ad Blocking, Ad Skipping, and all those browsers looking to improve our online experience by looking to reduce those intrusive ads.
We talk a lot about how 'content discovery' is one of the key ways for brands to add value, and avoid the spammy nature that's pervasive in marketing these days, at DLA Ignite we go a long way to show companies and brands how to leverage 'employee advocacy' as part of an internally aligned content led strategy.
But, just how do you stand out when there's probably just as much (if not more) content being created by companies and brands with much bigger budgets, endless resource, and quite frankly, much bigger audiences to to go at.
Well, one answer is to think about how you can leverage your content to deliver value added 'experiences', after all the key reason that Google have chosen to roll out the Chrome Ad Blocker globally is (they say) to improve our browsing experience.

So, the 'experience' will of course depend on what type of business you are, and that 'experience' doesn't have to cost the earth, it just needs to show how you can add value over your competitor, and above all make it easier for audiences.
I found this interesting article (link below) that provides some food for thought on this subject matter, but here is just one example of how you can think about 'experiences' that can draw readers into your content;
Your customers always want to know more about themselves, especially what they are doing wrong. And if you can give them a “grade,” they will go to great lengths to get an A! In their pursuit of an A grade, what you get is deep engagement and data. Lots of data!
I’m sure you can think of a time when you ran your website through an SEO grader or website speed grader. Once you know what needs to be done to get an A, you will go all the way!

Take HubSpot for example. They have a tool that grades the marketing friendliness of websites. By telling their customers where their inbound traffic is lagging, not only do they develop trust with prospective customers, they also collect a massive amount of data about their websites.
If you would like to better understand how to utilise the Superpower for 'Social Selling' and unleashing the power of Content, please contact the author of this blog.
If you think about it, attracting a customer is not too different from when you want to ask someone out. You don’t shout around saying how awesome you are or use run-of-the-mill pick-up lines! You make that person feel special, go the extra mile to build trust, show that you truly care… then subtly ask for their phone number!