While this article is about advertising.  If you didn't know, here at DLA we don't like advertising, it is old school 1930s push marketing.  It is irritating and most likely ignored.  And with the acceleration of ad-blockers, I for one, live in an ad free world.  But put that aside, this article does show that podcasts are still big business and you need to get into podcasting.  Why?

If you look at podcasts, there were flavour of the month and then went away as so often with things on the internet, with platforms like Blab there was a shinny new thing going on.  Then people realised that sitting on Blab all day didn't pay the rent.  Then Blab and a number of the platforms sold out.

But.  People actually like podcasts.  When Adam and I set up DLA we decided to run a Podcast.  The plan was to do it together but as Adam lives in the middle of nowhere he couldn't get the bandwidth.  I went ahead and have now completed over 60.  The feedback has been amazing, within 12 months #TimTalks had been short listed for sales and marketing podcast of the year.

Why are Podcasts so powerful?  The feedback I get is that people listen to #TimTalks when they are running, in the car, ironing or looking to fill some time.  They know that they get 20 minutes of educational material.

We get another channel, as we know that there are people out there that prefer to listen than read.  We also get inbound.  Youtube is a place where people often search for speakers.  We've had a number of sales kick off speaking opportunities that have come from being found on Youtube.

As for advertising on #TimTalks.  While I would never say never, it's unlikely I would want to take advertising on #TimTalks.

Please drop by to #Timtalks and subscribe, the link is here 
