"Everything has changed, yet for some nothing has changed"
I've written a few blogs on the subject of the 'Healthcare' providers challenges. Especially when it comes to transitioning from the analog world of intrusive advertising and marketing, to the digital world of social media engagement.
With our frontline heroes in the NHS performing the unimaginable at this time of national and global crisis can/should the global companies who make huge profits by supplying these people be doing more to help inform, educate, and maybe even entertain us?
Last year and most definitely pre-Covid19 I wrote a piece on how the suppliers of our healthcare products, services and solutions seem more than happy to talk about themselves and not so active when it comes to engaging with the end users of said products and services.
I've revived some of those thoughts in this blog as it seems that whilst our world has changed forever not a lot has really changed for them.
In May 2019 I came across this interview for 'Marketing Week' (link below) with 'Blake Cahill' SVP Digital and Social at Philips on the subject of 'content marketing', and in particular how 'Philips' see it as a way of cutting through the diminishing traditional media sector.
Here's an edited snip from the article;
A great example is a recent content-driven campaign we executed for World Sleep Day which immediately generated multiple sales of our sleep apnea solutions even though the content was focused on awareness and education around the issue.
These examples demonstrate that consumers are more likely to buy from a brand they like and trust. In a world with so much marketing and corporate chatter, content marketing is one differentiator in making you the brand that consumers like and trust.
He goes on to say that as a strategy content marketing is an investment over the long term, something we agree on, it's definitely more a marathon than a sprint.
However, and in my opinion, it's still all a bit too, well, corporate, it lacks authenticity, and it definitely lacks evidence of anyone 'listening' to the consumer from all that polished corporate blurb on social media.
From what I can evidence, Philips haven't quite made the leap from the old 'broadcast/advertise' mentality when it comes to social media, I have genuinely struggled to find any real reason why anyone would 'follow' them, let alone engage with the content, and why is this you might ask?
They don't seem to want to encourage a conversation from you and me, there's no sense of engagement, listening, or even sparking debate.
Is this crisis merely manna from heaven for them?
Pity really, as a brand they are doing some amazing things, however as they transition from selling TVs, radios and lightbulbs to a global player in the healthcare space, they really do need to have a re-think about what social media really is.
Almost 12 months on and amidst the biggest healthcare crisis in modern history and I'm not sure Blake and his team really get 'Social Media'.
We’re at a transformational period in our history at Philips, moving from a company known for its TVs, radios and lightbulbs to a global player in the healthcare space. Content marketing is a great way to become a thought leader in that space and build trust and loyalty with both consumers and healthcare professionals who may not have traditionally associated this with Philips before.