A short view on how you can help to get your 'content' optimised for SEO on all search platforms.
However, before we go into that I want to clear up an SEO myth that publishing content to various locations will lead to a 'duplicate content' penalty from Google.
The myth is only fact when it applies to you publishing the same content in different locations on your website, so when your website gets 'crawled' for indexing, the alogrithm simply sees the same content over and over (because your trying to game the keyword algo) so it recognises this and will penalise your site - any good SEO company will advise against this, and today its pretty rare for a website to be penalised for this very reason.
What you can do is to make sure that when creating content you need to think about where you should also be distributing your blog, article, story, or content. Its important that you're looking at other places the story can be read by like minded people.
So, if you have a personal, or company Facebook page you can also post there, if you cut down the blog and post it on Instagram you also increase visibility there, same for LinkedIn and all the other social platforms you might feel relevant.
I also want to remind you that currently 50%+ of searches on Google are not ending with a click back to content. This is a growing trend and one you should be asking your SEO agency to report on.
I write a lot of blogs for DLA Ignite, but I also leverage them for my own business and social pages see here - www.stephensumner.net
I also feature them on my business Social page on Facebook - example here Stephen Sumner so by all means, head over to my page and give me a 'like'.
But if you really want your content to be picked up as a 'Google Snippet' you have to think about how, and why people search;

Search is great as long as you know what your looking for, but if you can help people to 'discover' your content via searches then your opening up a whole new world, therefore you need to consider the way we all use search, and that's about asking questions that start with things like;
What, Why, Who, Where, When, and even 'helpful tips' type queries, so when you publish your blog, try adding your headline as a question.
But that assumes you and your company are writing blogs and not just advertising.
Optimizing Your Content to Become the “Featured Snippet” in Google Search Results What is the Google featured snippet and why is it important