e-Commerce is not what it was - Social Commerce is changing all that.
B2B buying process has changed - Social Media is changing all that.
Websites are not what they were. - Social Media is where people find out who you really are.
Search is becoming less relevant - 'Content Discovery' via Social Media is the key driver.
Call Centres don’t work - Need I say?
Advertising has changed, forever - The media marketing landscape has already declined.
Email marketing is becoming redundant - GDPR and Intrusive outbound
Text marketing is redundant - All banned
The era of driving people towards you, and getting them to do the hard work has fundamentally changed, the ‘push’ marketing and intrusive advertising industry is in a constant state of flux.
Not because of GDPR - we did that one to ourselves.
Because technology has empowered you, me and our customers to be in control of what, where, and how we see things.
It’s given us a voice, and being 'social' means just that, being 'social'.
It doesn't mean transferring your 'advertise and promote' thinking into the 'social space' - despite what your media buying agency tell you!
Social Media is not a fad for Millennials, it needs a serious seat at your Board Room table.

Ask me how?
And if you need further proof on the impact around how ‘Social Media’ has already changed the traditional Business to Business (B2B) sector, recent research from ‘Gartner and Forrester’ can now evidence that circa 68% of due diligence on a company, its products, and even its key employees is being done prior to any direct contact with a potential vendor. During that process there are between 8-10 internal stakeholders investing 40+ hours doing that research, and where do you think most of that research is being carried out? Certainly not your website, or corporate brochure!