I don't know about you but I'm a real sucker when it comes to 'Infographics' they can really help to digest a lot of info, and for us marketing people obviously lots of colouring in bits as our colleagues would say, there's a great one in the link below.
When it comes to working out which social media platform is the flavour of choice for the market we want to 'engage' with, how do we go about it?
Clearly its a decision based on the brand proposition and objective.
I would argue that all social platforms should be included, just because you are in B2B doesn't mean some of your decision makers only visit LinkedIn, they all have a personal life, just like you and me.

The same goes for the B2C market, even if I have a 'Facebook and Instaglam' account doesn't mean I don't have a profession. You should simply dial up/down your levels, think about why these audiences are their and fine tune your stories to help inform, entertain, educate, and engage.
We often see 'tactics' over strategy on social media, and those tactics more often than not are driven with the same 'advertise and promote the product' mentality that's reduced the impact of previous campaigns.
Social is about being 'social', its about building and fostering relationships, its about adding value beyond just trying to sell me something, in business terms its helping to 'warm up' your customers and prospects, making sure that when it comes to thinking about where and who to purchase from, that you and your company are always front of mind.
Strategy without tactics is wasted effort, Tactics without strategy is a waste of everyone's time.