The recent 2019 Edelman-LinkedIn B2B Thought Leadership Impact Study,surveyed 1,200 US business decision-makers, content creators and salespeople to see how each group perceived the value of thought leadership for their business or the businesses they choose to buy from.
"From as much as we hear marketers talk about "thought leadership," it is shocking (and ironic) to discover how little value content creators actually see in this practice. The Edelman-LinkedIn survey (link below) results show that there is a major gap in understanding here. Brands seem to be radically unaware of the true impact their thought leadership efforts have on their business"
We often talk about the tangible value of brands creating custom, and authentic content. In fact its a significant part of the training and methodology we deliver when we work with companies to transform their 'Social Media' strategies. We do this because there's solid evidence that you and me are no longer reading, listening or 'buying into' what the corporate brand machine is telling us, and with the continued rise of ad blockers, increasing pressure on data and privacy, along with peoples ability to 'skip' those ads, then intrusive advertising is also diluting the company message.
However, if done within a managed framework and in an engaging and authentic way brands can really start to cut through the clutter of their competitors, move away from intrusive advertising, and really add value in the social media space.

For this to be effective, the journey really has to start with a top down approach, which means that once we've taken people through our process, mentored them, and yes, even held their hands, we see how leadership teams become empowered with the skills, and confidence to be able to unleash themselves and other employees as powerful story tellers, all the way from the board room right the way through the entire enterprise.
Let's face it, its a rare event that someone ends up on the 'leadership' by accident, the mere fact you are in that privileged position means that throughout your career you have been seen as a 'Change Maker'.
As such you have expertise, victories, failures, and lots of stories about your sector that other people would love to hear. And because it's coming from you, not polished off by the brand police, it creates authenticity about your own personal brand, it brings your company and brand to life, and encourages engagement, rather than just reach.
If you don't believe me, why do you accept those invites to speak at industry events?
We are active 'practitioners' of what we do, we already know and can evidence the ROI of a robust and internally aligned 'Social' strategy.
Part of that evidence it that you're reading this blog, just like many others - including your competitor!
We also don't do outbound pushy, salesy marketing, so if you would like to explore more, please contact the author of this blog.
Consumption of thought leadership has grown from 50% to 58% over the past year. And 55% of decision-makers say they use thought leadership as an important way to vet business.