We all do it, if somebody rings us up, cold calls us, we are going to meet them we check them out on social.  So it was of no surprise that this research found that 70 percent of human resources departments are required to screen candidates online.  In fact I wonder who are the 30% that don't?

Now I often think this term "personal brand" is some sort of lofty term that is used by Gurus to put people off or so you have to buy something from them.  It's jargon, that nobody understands.

You don't need a personal brand.  OK I said it. You need to block half a day in your calendar and tidy up your profile.

Get a professional photo, write your summary title (this isn't you job title, it's who you are and what you do), write your summary (again this isn't about the company you work for, or the products you sell, it's about you) and finally fill out your previous jobs.

Again this is about you, it isn't an online CV or a list of objectives.  Make it interesting ... for employers, prospects, customers and people you meet.

When I read a LinkedIn profile I make a judgement, is this person funny, boring, interesting, can they do the job I want to employ them for? Do they make sexist, political comments?  If they do on social media, then they will in my company.

But you don't need a personal brand to do all of this.

If you want more practical advice, try our blog.  We put a helpful piece up every day.

How to use Social Media to Become more Relevant for the My Network, Customer and Contacts. http://www.social-experts.net/use-social-media-become-relevant/ via @DigitalLeadersA