The two issues with cold calling solved! 

1. Getting through to a person and 

2. Getting that call to convert into a next step, such as a demo etc.

Research shows that at any one time 4% of the market is looking for your product or service, which means a 96% failure rate is acceptable.  Problem is, cold calling is very inefficient and in many cases is only seeing a 1% or 2% return, that is a 99% and 98% failure rate.

Then as a business you have to convert the call to the next step.  Which is difficult as you have annoyed the person with the cold call, which creates a fight or flight feeling in the person cold called.

You can invest in tools that will offer a 96% or even a 94% failure rate, which when compared with 99% failure rate it offers a change, but it not a step change.

So here at DLA Ignite we tried an experiment.

From the 1st January 2023, our partner Supero and the team there, Alex, Jensen and Jordan, implemented our social selling methodology and used it for cold outreach.  And we measured every step.

So what of the results?

From cold outreach we got a 6.7% conversation rate, but the massive news is that from that first call we got 37.5% of organizations agreeing to a next step.

No spam and no automation!

The improvement from 4% to 6.7% is impressive; that's greater than 50% improvement.

But to go from 4% to almost 40% - That's EXPONENTIAL GROWTH

Just think about scaling that across your organisation?

If Alex's team are achieving an average of 10 new conversations each week and a 37% conversion to a next step... if you have a team of 50 sales people that's 500 conversations per week (26,000 per year) with 185 follow-up calls per week. Forever!

With a win rate of 1 in 3.

With an average deal size of $100,000.

That's an additional ...... you do the maths. 

Now is the time you need to use social selling for cold outreach!

If you want more information, contact me, or contact the team at Supero, Alex, Jensen and Jordan.  

Want to know more about social selling, check out my new book

"social selling techniques to influence buyers and changemakers - 2nd edition".

In this brand new edition, I have updated all the text, I have also got 15 practitioners, so people who are doing this already to explain how they are get (practical) business benefit. From the CEO that has been running a digital business for over 18 months to sales leaders who use social selling every day.  

Articles on how these business have and are implementing digital, from Mercer, Telstra Purple, Ring Central, Cyberhawk, Namos, Ericsson, Crux Consulting, DLA Ignite and more.

What does Mark Schaefer, Marketing guru think of the book "social selling - techniques to influence buyers and changemakers - 2nd edition"? watch the video here

It's available on Amazon worldwide.  Link to here and here.