Across any function within any business, within any sector communication has been a word many have used as a key driver for relationship building, trust, respect and loyalty.
Through the years in my working life, I feel it has been the number one method used in how many have played a role, supported clients and understood the challenges inside a business.
Communication can be good or bad. But conveyed early, and in the right way, this can be the simple approach to the above fundamentals in building a solid partnership.
Now, this may sound easy and normal, but let me tell you, from my time in sales, I have seen the dark side of not communicating either well, or at all.
Sometimes things go wrong, things happen, an incident, a challenge, a wrong turn in a project or operation, but with good communication, it can be headed at the pass.
So why is this important?
Well, right now if you hadn't noticed we have played our part in a pandemic for 12 months. There have been many times I assume, in many businesses, with various departments and people that maybe, just maybe communication has fallen, or it has not been as good as it can be.
Working from home for many would have proved challenging to say the least. Communication would have had to have been good if not great to allow the employees to understand that it will be ok, or just let them know they are doing a good job, or even just tell them something that keeps them front of mind.
If we take this important value, and we move it towards collaboration in this day, good communication can lead to even better collaboration.
If your team was communicating well, across function and departments and the internal message was played out externally within your sector or your network, that would be a powerful thing.
I am talking about the team spirit, the emotions, the challenges, the wins and the successes that have come from being tested at the core, then the collaboration can form a different path.
You see, communication works two-fold. Internal and across a business and external into a network to understand how they are, and how potentially you can relate, and maybe solve an issue or a challenge.
Collaboration can also play a similar part in this process. Collaborate internally on strategy, projects, development, changes, thoughts, insights. Then take this and push it external and build up that trust through a network to an audience that can share a similar space, and suddenly you have both COMMUNICATE and COLLABORATE in a B2B environment.
In short:
Communication & Collaboration can be a solid strategy and value foundation to share the thoughts and desires of a team and a message that your network and potential business partners can align with.
CONTENT - The tie-in
Writing and creating great content, with a clear message and action, that makes sense to the audience, that communicates how you are, what you do and why can lead to collaboration in B2B. You are not selling. You have merely communicated your message well, in a way that someone looking on, can resonate and understand you and the message, thus wanting to know more and strike up a potential conversation. Personal or business.
These 3 C's
are a great way to build your team spirit, empower them to be social and engage at the level of the network and potential prospects that are looking at options, now or whenever.
Done well, it can change the way you have thought about B2B in any shape or form.
So, have a think and let me know how you communicate to your team, how this leads to collaboration across departments, which in turn can turn into beautiful pieces of content, that may well lead to conversations and the end game of potential customers.
Oh, wait I forgot about the other two C's.
Until the next time. Happy to chat some more. Have a great day.
Be you. Be social.
Thank you.
Blogs are a powerful type of inbound content and allow for a lot of creativity in terms of their purpose and topic. With a blog, you can do things like promote other internal and external content and blog articles via links, add social share buttons, and incorporate product information.