Back in the day I was brought up to believe in the old fashioned values that being the man about the house meant being not only the bread winner (whatever that means) but that I also had to be strong for everyone regardless of how I was 'feeling', this mindset was also extremely prevalent when I entered the workplace and it became even more evident as I climbed the corporate ladder.
Now don't get me wrong this isn't a post about mental health issues, I'm far from qualified to provide any advice on that subject, this is about how I see leadership teams acting as if they aren't really human like the rest of us. They adopt the view that they need to be the constant leader, the person with all the ideas, at time of change and transformation they try to carry the burden for all.
They're wrapped up in the idea that leadership is all about providing direction, being the strong one, having the answers and projecting confidence. They think their job is to only fill in the emotionally positive gaps, such as providing a steady hand during restructuring or assuaging fears the front line might have.
But as we all know this isn't the reality and above all it isn't really great leadership, all great leaders I've ever worked with (male and female) weren't afraid to show some vulnerability to the employees, and when they did this they became highly relateable.
Because we all have a 'corporate speak' bullshit alert built in, showing vulnerability actually makes them more authentic, and both employees and customers alike tend to relate to them because, well, they are like us.........
Blogging via social media and using stories people can relate to can have a huge positive impact on employees, the brand, and consumers alike, but it needs leaders to recognise that showing 'vulnerability' is a strength, not a weakness.
“Have you ever thought that sharing what you feel might be a good idea?” My client then looks at me confused and says, “You mean, sharing what I actually feel?”