When you think about the role the HR department plays in any business transformation what comes to mind?
Are they the people who simply look after the hiring and firing, deal with the appraisal system, and act as the day to day 'people counselors' of a company?
The reality is they are all these things and more, but the one thing they seem to NOT be is a pivotal part of a transformation strategy.
What I mean by this is that the majority of people involved in HR are merely the echo of the decisions taken by the board, it's a rare individual who has a seat at the early stage discussions for any change project.
We now think its time to ask that question and help to bring to the fore the 'human' element. We think it's time that HR who in the main are responsible for the training and development a company has employed have the recognition as key 'change makers'.
Clearly I have a bias on this subject, this is because one of the biggest things impacting business today is not new tech, it's not always the competitive landscape, and it's certainly not down to the calibre of people already employed because surely they wouldn't be in your company today, would they?
Social media today isn't about taking your 'advertise and promote' thinking and doing more of the same, it's all about being social across the entire enterprise. How you, your company, and it's employees are perceived to the outside world is more visible today than it's ever been, and you can either adapt your skill set and training to better harness it, or continue to have your competitive business USP diluted by competitors who truly understand the real power of a 'socially savvy' digitally connected world, and the impact it's already having in all key transformation projects.
In my experience HR are often given the job of dealing with managing out of the company the loss of resource as a result of those transformation plans as laid out by the leadership team, which roughly translated means 'cutting cost', and where's the best place to start - with people of course.
People are the only viable cost effective resource to help transform a company, however the company itself needs to better understand the objectives, outcomes, and above all how it's going to be measured.
This is why we are the first global social selling company (it's really about the buying process) to deliver an industry recognised fully accredited training program, a program that doesn't just benchmark an individuals social media skills, but can evidence tangible skill adoption and change, all this backed up with a certificate that both the employee and company can be proud of.
We launch this program in September 2019 and if you would like to learn more please feel free to contact the author of this blog.
Failing to establish clear goals is one of the biggest pitfalls of transformation efforts. Without a clear mission to follow, HR will just end up as extra hands for implementation rather than true partners addressing key change management issues more effectively.