Well, that went quick, not 2 minutes ago it was freezing cold, very wet and most people still dreaming about that summer holiday, and now the summer is here.
Not a bad time to reflect on how you set out your 'content strategy' stall at the start of the year, are you happy with it, have you re-prioritized it and moved budget and resource around, are you resolute, are you lost?

As you know I love a good infographic so here's one for you that looks at how marketeers were thinking about 'Content Marketing in 2019, and comparing it to 2018.
Here's where the focus is, see if it compares to your focus;
They break things down as follows:
- Marketing budgets
- Wider business goals
- Social media
- Top focus areas
- Influencers
- Voice search
- How to measure results

There's lots of interesting stuff in there but the one I found interesting is the piece that talks about internal alignment on content for the business, with a whopping 89% up from 45% in 2018 aligned to the business strategy not just the silo - positive news indeed.
What seemed to be missing was who was doing all that content, whilst it was linked to other parts of the business was it still sat in marketing, with the agency, or was there real internal transformation taking place, and how much of this content was genuine, authentic, and no corporate mantra.
And please, lets make sure its not just an advert dressed up as a corporate advert.
Are you considering where to invest your marketing budget this year? Want to know how your content strategy measures up against other marketers?