Cold Calling. 

Cold Emailing. 

Cold Messaging 

Are all selling tactics consigned to the pages of history? 

We have all moved on. Become savvier as buyers.  We research in our own time, at our own pace, gathering more impartial information than was ever possible in the days of a product demonstration from a salesperson.

If buyers can glean all of the information on your product, and bear in mind, most vendors "products" and solutions will do the same.  Then what do they then crave next? 

It's a relationship and one built on trust. 

How do you get there, when there are some many trying to do the same thing?

Get personal, Create experiences. 

Buyers, B2B or B2C, want to be treated as individuals, want the selling organisation to address them in a personalised way. Not the "whatever the question, the answer is my product." 

Being personal means understanding their unique situation, empathising with their challenges, not sending the generic outreach (paid) content that reads like spam.

Consider the Apple or Nespresso stores in the B2C space. They have created an experience.  In the corporate world, a similar experience can be achieved.  

Buyers can read all the corporate content they want, but what they want to see, hear and read is from advocates of the company, the brand, the experience, from all departments, not just the sales team. 

Salespeople do have a significant role to play too, by sharing stories on how they have solved challenges for clients.  Through personally written blogs or articles make your organisation personal, genuine, honest and trustworthy. 

It is a challenge to aggregate efforts across an organisation to achieve this. It's a process that takes time, a change of mindset, but one we have seen pays off handsomely.