As I think about growth and the importance of talent in this equation I often read about negative connotations toward sales people, whether it’s being paid too much, celebrating wins to hard or not working hard enough. The performance level you achieve as a sales leader or business owner is influenced heavily by two things::

  1. Your approach to recruitment 
  2. Enablement and coaching 

I have found this element of my job as a sales leader to be both enjoyable and fulfilling. I always took personal responsibility for who joined my team, whether I was hiring them directly or one of my managers were. What’s important is that we followed a consistent hiring approach that identified the raw skills we were looking for, to ascertain whether a) the person had what it took and b) were coachable, and therefore likely to learn and follow our value based sales approach, which ran through our veins. 

It pains me to see and hear of sales leaders rushing to put a bum on an open seat, because it’s a headache not having a territory covered. Or hiring someone based on gut feeling or personality as they felt the person would be right. Or worse, they’d been successful somewhere else so they’re going to be successful here, right! Wrong.

Hiring mistakes can be costly. 

By understanding your value proposition and the commercial value your solution delivers to others you can create an interview experience that qualifies and excites the candidate. Qualifies they have the necessary raw talent to learn and apply your winning approach to sales effectively, and demonstrate the environment is a supportive one, focused on enabling and coaching the individual on the lead measures that will help increase their probability for success.  

Sales talent is rare and it’s as much about you attracting that talent as it is you qualifying they’re right for your team and your business. 

Why it’s important to stand out. 

It’s one thing creating a differentiating interview experience, it’s another standing out in an extremely crowded market.  Part of your hiring problem is the top talent doesn’t know you. And when they research you on social media (as everyone does today) you look boring. And when I say you, I mean every social profile within your company, your potential top talent, the people responsible for growing your business, is reviewing each profile to get a feel for the culture, do these look like interesting people, could I work with them and get along with them. 

  • What are you doing to address these points?
  • Do you agree that perception is reality, the perception you provide every day, without knowing what it means to potential recruits?

If so then there’s a few things you should prioritise. 

  1. Your social strategy - specifically your teams passive and active social presence, what is the vibe this gives your future employees? How will this impact the growth of your company.  
  2. The interview experience - have you designed an approach that ensures you qualify raw talent effectively, and can demonstrate a supportive path to success for your new recruit?
  3. Your value proposition is well defined - super confident it delivers differentiating commercial value and your new recruit will receive ongoing support to learn it to win consistently.

Supero is dedicated to helping MarTech companies accelerate growth and ensure top talent is secured and more importantly, is successful. 

We provide a range of talent acquisition services geared towards answering the three questions above. 

  • Social strategy - focused on making you and each of your team members appear as the most attractive company to work for, secure top talent ahead of your competition. 
  • Design and execute the interview process - attract, qualify and secure top talent - we design and execute on this process to ensure you attract the best talent available to support the growth of your business. 
  • Enablement and coaching - ensure your new recruits are enabled on your pipeline growth strategy or value selling approach (if need-be we help you with both).  

Our world is changing at an unprecedented rate, our industry has seen more investment than ever before. Talent is in short supply as a result, particularly sales talent blinded by the promise of fortune and success - it’s important you deliver on the above and provide an environment that encourages success from your team. 

Since leaving the corporate world in 2020 I founded Supero. Our vision is to help MarTech companies accelerate growth and improve profitability.

To learn more or just have a friendly chat to swap learnings, drop me a DM on LinkedIn, or WhatsApp +44 7951 220113


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