As a B2B sales leader we just know what to do - that’s why we were hired for the role, that’s why we’re promoted! We know that with enough time we can achieve the objective.  After all we’ve done it many times before so why should it be any different this time…

…because EVERYTHING has changed.  

Have you ever found it being so hard to generate new pipeline.  

No, because you’ve never experienced the commercial affects of a pandemic like this.

You’ve never known your audience to take a purchase decision 90% of the way to the final decision before speaking with your team.  

Never before has the age of your buyer influencers been so low. 

Never before have you had access such little access to your buyers through-out the purchase process.  

Never before have your buyers zoned out to the insight your teams have worked so hard to create.  

None of this is news to you. If you’re reading this you must have read the same Gartner and Forrester reports I have.  

Like so many business leaders in 2022 you and your teams must be experiencing the pain of not generating the pipeline multiple you need to hit your number. 

Value selling, improved qualification and a sales approach aligned to buying behaviours will help, but it won’t give you the consistent flow of pipeline your teams need to hit your numbers this year and consistently for many years to come. 

You know already, your number one objective is pipeline, so why not focus on a new approach that is more conducive to the changing times.  

A relationship first strategy to pipeline generation. One that focuses on consistently generating multiple net new conversations per head per week? …incremental to the mediocre new-meeting results you see today. 

What would that mean to you. If each person in your team was able to generate one new meeting per week, one new proposal per month and one new deal per quarter. How big is your team? …wow, I bet that’d be much welcomed revenue.  

This is the opportunity for you by up skilling your sales team with the knowledge and now how to confidently walk digital corridors and generate conversations that lead to commercial outcomes - these are skills that deepen over time, there’s no Silverbullet for this.

By having a Social Selling & Influence strategy that focuses on the practical application of these new skills over time, you will you see improved results, that deliver consistent commercial outcomes. 

The beauty of Social Selling is it’s not dependant on any other project you might be running, if you implement it today, you improve your numbers, if you wait to implement it once you have improved your sales process or introduced a new approach to qualification or finished a value selling roll out, all you’ve done is lost revenue you could of had today.  

Not all social selling is equal

In 2022 we are pioneering a Social Selling & Influence program to enable our clients to bring consistency to pipeline growth and talent acquisition. It’s the only Social Selling & Influence program in the world to come with an official, globally recognised qualification from the Institute of Sales Professionals, which is delivered by Supero & the ISP. 

For more information drop me a DM me on LinkedIn or Twitter: @Alex_Supero or book a synergy call with me here:


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