Rob Fitzpatrick’s Write Useful Books is a refreshing and indispensable guide for authors aiming to create impactful nonfiction. Fitzpatrick draws from his own experience to illuminate a practical, reader-centric approach to writing. Rather than focusing on traditional publishing metrics or formulaic advice, he emphasizes understanding the reader's needs and crafting content that genuinely solves their problems. The book is filled with actionable insights on refining drafts based on reader feedback, ensuring clarity, and developing a compelling voice. Fitzpatrick’s clear, conversational style makes complex concepts accessible, making this guide suitable for both novice and experienced authors.

What sets Write Useful Books apart is its emphasis on iteration and the author's candid approach to the challenges of writing. Fitzpatrick advocates for a feedback loop where reader input is integral to the writing process, ensuring the book remains aligned with the audience’s evolving expectations. The inclusion of real-world examples and personal anecdotes adds a layer of relatability, reinforcing his advice. By focusing on creating genuine value rather than merely chasing bestseller status, Fitzpatrick provides a roadmap for writing books that resonate deeply with readers, ultimately making Write Useful Books a must-read for any aspiring nonfiction author.

Barry LaBov’s "The Power of Differentiation" is a compelling guide for businesses seeking to carve out a unique space in an increasingly commoditized market. Drawing from his extensive experience as the owner of LaBov & Beyond Marketing Communications, LaBov delves into the critical importance of differentiation. The book provides a well-rounded framework for identifying what makes a company unique and harnessing that distinctiveness to galvanize employees, enhance brand identity, and drive success. LaBov's approach is both practical and inspirational, offering strategies to celebrate and leverage a company's uniqueness, thus imbuing its brand with a clear purpose and direction.

A standout feature of "The Power of Differentiation" is its focus on the tangible benefits of differentiation, including its impact on sales, employee engagement, and recruitment. LaBov addresses the "commodity monster"—the pervasive pressure to conform and lose unique identity—and offers actionable insights to counteract this trend. His guidance on how to empower employees to embody and promote the company's unique attributes is particularly valuable, making this book an essential read for leaders who wish to foster a purpose-driven organizational culture. Overall, LaBov's book is a rich resource that underscores the power of standing out in a crowded marketplace.

In How to be Found by Recruiters on LinkedIn, Tiina Jarvet delivers a masterclass in career branding and job search optimization. Leveraging her extensive experience as a headhunter for multinationals, Jarvet provides readers with invaluable insights into the intricacies of LinkedIn as a platform for professional visibility. Her guidance is especially poignant for those who have not previously engaged actively with the job market, or who feel stuck in their current roles. Jarvet outlines actionable strategies to enhance one's LinkedIn profile, from tailoring your headline and summary to highlight unique skills and achievements, to employing keywords that elevate your profile in recruiter searches. Her approach is grounded in a deep understanding of what recruiters look for and how LinkedIn's algorithms function, making it a practical guide for anyone aiming to stand out in a competitive job market.

Jarvet's book goes beyond mere profile optimization, emphasizing the importance of active engagement within the LinkedIn community. She demonstrates how building meaningful connections and participating in relevant discussions can significantly boost your professional presence. Her conversational and encouraging writing style makes complex concepts accessible, and her tips are backed by real-world examples and her own experiences as a headhunter. How to be Found by Recruiters on LinkedIn is an essential read for anyone looking to navigate the shifting dynamics of today’s job market, especially as it transitions from an employee-driven to an employer-driven environment. Whether you are re-entering the job market or seeking to advance your career, Jarvet's book offers a comprehensive roadmap to becoming more visible and attractive to potential employers.

In "The Strategy Legacy," Alex Brueckmann masterfully navigates the complex terrain of modern business strategy with a focus on long-term impact and legacy. Drawing from his extensive experience as a strategy facilitator for executive teams and a fractional CSO, Brueckmann provides a compelling guide for leaders aiming to future-proof their businesses while leaving a meaningful mark on their industry. The book is rich with insights into how leaders can develop a clear set of values and foster a culture grounded in a strong moral compass. Brueckmann's emphasis on self-awareness and reflection as the foundation of leadership is a refreshing departure from traditional strategy manuals, highlighting the importance of overcoming ego and biases to truly inspire and lead effectively.

Brueckmann's approach to leadership is deeply humanistic, urging leaders to focus on making the world a better place as a fundamental business objective. The book outlines essential skills such as the ability to inspire, collaborate, and communicate with clarity, all while maintaining strategic acumen and leading with intention and selflessness. "The Strategy Legacy" is not just a book for those at the helm of organizations but a call to action for any leader committed to creating a positive and lasting impact. Through actionable advice and real-world examples, Brueckmann equips readers with the tools needed to build a legacy of leadership that transcends profit and contributes to the greater good.

"Business Model Innovation – How it Really Works" by Staffan Heden is an insightful exploration into the intricacies of business model innovation, grounded in real-world experience and academic rigor. Heden leverages his extensive background as a founder and consultant to provide a comprehensive guide for businesses looking to innovate their models. The book introduces a robust framework comprising 30 concepts, each elucidated with five actionable insights. This structure is not only methodically sound but also highly practical, making it accessible for both corporate strategists and entrepreneurs. Heden’s approach demystifies complex business concepts, offering a clear pathway from theoretical understanding to practical implementation.

What sets this book apart is its dual foundation in Heden’s practical consulting work and the empirical data underpinning his PhD research. Each chapter delves into critical aspects of business model innovation, such as identifying flaws in existing models, enhancing customer orientation, and optimizing management and organizational structures. Heden’s writing is both engaging and informative, making complex ideas approachable without oversimplifying them. Whether you’re a seasoned executive or a budding entrepreneur, this book offers invaluable insights into creating and sustaining effective business models in today's dynamic market landscape.

In Ruskie: Beers, Bears & Babushkas, Matthew Francis offers a riveting exploration of Russia through the eyes of an expatriate navigating its complex social and business landscapes. Francis, a seasoned strategic leader with extensive experience in sales and business development, seamlessly blends personal anecdotes with insightful commentary on Russian culture. His narrative captures the essence of life in Russia, from the bustling urban scenes, socializing (which includes Vodka), and how business was expected to be done.  Making it a rich resource for anyone interested in understanding the nuances of Russian society. The book stands out for its authentic depiction of cross-cultural interactions, enriched by Francis's deep understanding of both Western and Russian perspectives.

The strength of Francis's work lies in its vivid storytelling and practical insights, which reflect his expertise in building high-performance teams and developing transformative strategies. His humorous and sometimes poignant observations offer a candid look at the challenges and rewards of living and working in Russia. The title itself, Ruskie: Beers, Bears & Babushkas, captures the book's playful yet informative tone, inviting readers into a world where business and culture intertwine in unexpected ways. Whether you are a business professional looking to expand into Russian markets or simply a curious reader, this book provides a valuable and entertaining perspective on the intricacies of Russian life and business.

Helene Cahen's "Fire Up Innovation – Sparking and Sustaining Innovation Teams" is a must-read for any business leader aiming to thrive in today's competitive landscape. Cahen expertly emphasizes the necessity of fostering high-performing innovation teams from within an organization to drive success. This book stands out with its practical approach, offering tangible strategies and tools to support and sustain innovation efforts. Her insights into the role of diversity in driving innovation are particularly compelling, highlighting how varied perspectives can lead to more creative and effective solutions.

What sets this book apart is its interactive nature. Cahen's belief that the essence of innovation cannot be fully captured through passive reading is evident in the 5-week challenge included in the book. This hands-on approach ensures that readers can directly apply the concepts and techniques to their teams, making the learning process both engaging and impactful. Additionally, Cahen explores the role of AI in modern innovation, providing a forward-thinking perspective on how technology can enhance creative processes. Overall, "Fire Up Innovation" is a highly practical guide that goes beyond theory, equipping readers with the skills and knowledge to ignite and sustain innovation within their teams.

James Muir's new book, "Unsticking Deals – Why Deals Stall, How to Unstick Them and How to Prevent Them Sticking in the First Place," is an essential read for sales professionals seeking to enhance their closing rates and overall effectiveness. Muir, a seasoned Senior Vice President of Sales at Conifer Health, brings a wealth of experience and practical insights to the table. This work builds on his previous bestseller, "The Perfect Close," by delving deeper into the nuances of deal management, offering both preventive strategies and actionable solutions for stalled deals.

The book is structured into two main sections: prevention and intervention. In the prevention section, Muir emphasizes securing executive sponsorship, anticipating and managing information flow, creating mutual action plans, and reviewing proposals with clients. These strategies aim to preempt potential roadblocks and ensure a smooth progression through the sales pipeline. In the intervention section, Muir provides innovative tactics to unstick deals, such as the Hail Mary Circle of Influence letter, introducing new information, offering gifts, and using disengagement messages strategically. With a blend of theory and practical advice, "Unsticking Deals" is a comprehensive guide that equips sales professionals with the tools they need to navigate complex sales processes and achieve consistent success.

Greg Garrison's "Lead – Finding Your Leadership Identity" is an indispensable guide for budding leaders and those aspiring to step into leadership roles. Drawing from his extensive experience as a CIO and CTO in major cities like Hong Kong, Singapore, and London, Garrison offers a rich tapestry of insights into creating a culture of excellence within teams. His emphasis on balancing productivity with enjoyment is a refreshing take on leadership, ensuring that teams not only achieve their goals but also find joy in their work. The anecdotes and practical advice woven throughout the book make it an engaging and highly practical read for anyone at the start of their leadership journey.

In addition to his professional insights, Garrison delves deeply into the core values that underpin effective leadership—trust, empathy, ethics, and a strong sense of purpose. He illustrates these concepts vividly through his experiences at Tui, where the mission was to create unforgettable family holidays. This alignment of personal values with professional objectives provides a robust framework for emerging leaders to navigate their own paths. "Lead – Finding Your Leadership Identity" is more than just a manual; it’s a mentor in book form, offering guidance that is both inspiring and actionable.

Bill Becker’s "The Job Nobody Dreams Of – Inside the Greatest Career You Didn’t Know About" is a compelling and insightful guide that demystifies the world of sales, presenting it not as a field of manipulation, but as a noble profession rooted in helping others. Drawing from his rich 25 years of experience, Becker paints a vivid picture of sales, dispelling common misconceptions and revealing the true essence of the career. The book's narrative is both engaging and educational, making a strong case for why sales should be considered a rewarding career path. Becker’s personal anecdotes and practical advice not only aim to excite readers about sales but also to inspire a genuine appreciation for its potential to make a positive impact on people's lives.

One of the standout features of the book is its accessibility to readers from all backgrounds. Becker emphasizes that sales is an inclusive career, welcoming individuals regardless of their prior experience or current job market conditions. He provides a thorough walkthrough on how to break into the field, offering actionable steps for securing initial meetings and achieving those critical first sales. This practical guidance, combined with Becker’s encouraging tone, ensures that readers feel empowered to pursue a career in sales. Whether you're considering a career change or just curious about the profession, Becker’s book is an invaluable resource that highlights the fulfilling nature of sales and equips you with the tools to succeed.

I wrote the first edition of "social selling - techniques to influence buyers and changemakers - 1st edition" (the one with the white cover) back in 2015 and it was published in 2016. It was the first book on social selling to be published. With so many changes that have taken place in social media over time, when Kogan Page, my publisher, approached me and asked for a second edition (the one with the yellow cover), I agreed.

This second edition, has been totally updated from 187 pages to 306. I explain how the world of business has changed with digital and how that impacts the modern buyer and it's a business imperative that we change our sales and marketing.

Many people often think that social selling is some sort of future state. It's not, it's the here and now. DLA Ignite, my company, for example, has clients doing $multi-million deals using social media. If your not doing $multi-million deals on social, your competition are and you are losing market share and revenue.

With this book, I contacted people I knew that were using social media to drive revenue and got them to tell their story. Chris Fleming the CEO of Cyberhawk, shares how he transformed his business to social and digital 3 years ago. Putting that another way, if you haven't transformed to a social selling methodology by now, you are 3 years behind the market.

In my second book, "Smarketing - How to achieve competitive advantage through blended sales and marketing" published through Kogan Page, we looked at the age old problem of marketing and sales working together.  At the time there was a lot of conversations on social media about how on earth do we get sales and marketing to be one team?

The book, takes a case study, which we cannot mention, it works through the strategy, how to implement a program to implement sales and marketing, the political risks and measures and governance. The book finishes with a look into the future of sales and marketing.

I would admit that if we wrote the book today, we would probably call it Rev-ops (revenue operations).


Please note that some reviews (but not all) I had Chat GPT to help me.