Interesting article here from techradar, that states 

Barely any IT professionals say they actually know how AI tools work

The research says that “AI isn’t benefiting many workers, yet”.  The article goes onto say

“Despite a huge uptick in the number of AI tools available to almost every type of worker since the public preview launch of ChatGPT a little over one year ago, only one in five (22%) IT professionals seem to understand how they work.”

I've written before about how Study: Reskilling is inevitable as AI changes how we work 

"The report from SolarWinds suggests very few workers are actually reaping the rewards of AI deployments because they don’t understand the basics.

The study claims that a lack of understanding “could be fueling a disconnect between the perceptions and the reality of AI tool usage,” with many workers likely to overestimate the ROI compared with how much setup is actually required."

I also wrote about Why AI in sales and marketing is now a business imperative for business 

Many of us still don't get AI

"Artificial intelligence isn’t a plug-and-play solution, and numerous studies over the past few months have backed this up, adding that proper data management is vital.

An overwhelming majority (90%) of IT professionals believe that their colleagues would embrace AI tools for improved productivity, however only two in five (38%) actually use such solutions themselves. Furthermore, those who do use AI use the technology to a fairly basic degree, such as information gathering and research."

Which is why I wrote this article 5 ChatGPT Prompts that will transform your 2024 business planning 

And this one, 10 ChatGPT prompts to give your sales team a social selling competitive advantage 

"Other studies have previously detailed the inescapable use of AI among programmers, but outside of that industry and in a broader and more general context, SolarWinds found that only 16% use AI to write code, and only 6% use it to identify vulnerabilities.

SolarWinds Tech Evangelist Sascha Giese looks ahead: "Clearly, there is still a general sense of mystery surrounding AI tools, even from those in more technical roles. Therefore, if businesses want to reap the efficiency rewards AI has to offer and channel savings into innovation, they must invest in education and training."

This seems to be backed up with my article, While 96% of executives believe in innovation for growth, only 21% of organizations achieve their innovation goals 

Giese calls for greater transparency and more open collaboration between C-Suite execs and their IT teams if they are to stand any chance of speeding up their transformation."

Which is why I wrote, The more workers use AI, the more they worry about their job security, survey finds