If I told you that Ad Fraud is forecast to rise from $42bn this year (2019) to $100Bn by 2023, yup you read that number right  - $100 Billion by 2023 and the industry has little control over it other than the obvious, *we'll come that later* you might be thinking the same as me 'why do companies still accept this level of fraud'?.

The next level of fraud is going to be happening as 'programmatic' extends into the world of OTT, or in simple language for you and me, that set top box you watch all your TV through, they can now find ways to 'interrupt' us there.. 

The research (link below) forecasts that spend on advertising over OTT (Over-the-Top) TV services will exceed $42 billion by 2023; rising from $28 billion in 2019. However, it found a lack of standardisation amongst OTT TV services leaves advertisers exposed to increased levels of fraud by simplifying the process needed to spoof advertising networks via connected TVs.

These fraud levels are totally out of control yet the advertising industry simply refuses to openly acknowledge this to clients looking to part with media budget spend. Can you imagine the discussion 

Agency: "for every dollar/pound we're going to use from this campaign budget you need to agree for circa 50c to be written off for fraud!"

Incredulously it's seen as part of 'doing business' for brands and companies wanting to 'interrupt' what we're doing with those intrusive ads, and they have a self congratulatory pat of the back when they happily announce they have reduced this level of fraud by $5.8bn during 2018........

"There is an alternative way - come with me"

With an aligned 'Social Media' strategy supported by skill based training from experts, and a good set of 'listening tools' you would think twice about why you would want to advertise ever again. No brand safety issues, no data privacy to worry about, reduced cost for focus and research groups, and best of all, unlike paid media where the cost increase exponentially as your campaign requires 'more reach' your social media cost remain static.

How do I know?

We don't do retainers, we're not an agency that creates and produces copy/content or sells ads for you.

We are active 'practitioners' of what we do, we already know and can evidence the ROI of a robust and internally aligned 'Social' strategy.

Part of that evidence it that you are reading this blog, just like many others - including your competitor!

We also don't do outbound pushy, salesy marketing, so if you would like to explore more, please contact the author of this blog.