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Adam Gray, Co Founder, Digital Leadership Associates

Adam Gray

Co Founder at Digital Leadership Associates

London, United Kingdom

About Me

Social media is disrupting business models for pretty much every organisation. Things simply don’t work like they used to, old ways of doing things achieve lower results than they once did and the new can achieve staggering results.

The world is changing and we are helping organisations to harness this change and capitalise on it. The fact that terms like “best practice” and “excepted paradigm” simply don’t exist in this space makes it incredibly exciting for me and the team I work with, we really are breaking a path though virgin snow.

When we work with clients we invariably need to create fresh strategies and apply them, then quickly modify them if they aren’t working as we feel they should and we love this as it gives us a chance to be truly creative. But when we change direction quickly and really innovate our clients reap huge rewards. 33:1 ROI, a 100% uplift in pipeline. We see clients having to be selective about the meetings that they take because they literally have too many to chose from.

Fortune favours the brave and I'm so lucky to be working with some truly brave clients that are trying to do things differently from both their competitors and the excepted norm…and they are reaping the rewards..

I am lucky to be part of a team comprising some of the greatest social minds in the world and it drives me to be better, more innovative and bolder in both my thinking and my delivery.

I can’t imagine that there are many people who love what they do more than me. As my Co-Founder Tim and I often say “this isn’t work!” For me personally, it enables me to pull together all of my experience and skills and use those in a way which is both rewarding for me and Digital Leadership Associates. Speaking/presenting, analysing, blue-sky-thinking, selling, communicating, writing, all of the things I love I get to do every single day.

If this all seems too good to be true, believe me it isn’t…and if you would like really fulfilment in what you do…why not drop me a line?

Adam Gray's Passles

A human doing AI

We were on a team call yesterday and ended-up getting on to the subject of cold calling and I was reminded that the other day I had a...

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DLA Predictions for 2019 and beyond.

At Digital Leadership Associates, we’re right. Well, we’re bound to say that aren’t we, but we really are and it looks like we’re not the...

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